Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Doing it Big at the Expo

So I finally had my chance to check out the World's Fair that is being held in Shanghai. I had heard that the lines are just horrible but really when I went it wasn't that bad. We stayed away from the really long lines like England, France, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. The USA line was long too but we could skip it if we should our passports. America!

Outside the Egypt Pavilion - actually didn't go in this one as the line was pretty long.

Outside the UK Pavilion - line was also really long; like over a couple hours long. I thought seeing the outside was sufficient along with visiting less popular countries like Ireland, Norway, Turkey, New Zealand.

Norwegian Pavilion - one of my favorites. I really enjoyed this one and took great pride in my Norwegian bloodlines!

Inside the Spain Pavilion. This gigantic robotic baby was very popular with the Chinese crowds.

The Chinese Pavilion: the biggest and best (and probably the most expensive). I was not allowed to go in as a special ticket is needed with much time in advance. Luckily the Pavilion will still be on display when the Expo is over.

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